This page,
university stuff, will contain material to some courses and lectures that I have completed (answered exam questions, homework solutions, etc.)
Control Systems 1
Angabe und Ausarbeitung der Prüfung vom 27. März 2015
Messtechnik LU
below you find my laboratory protocols - all complete & graded with 'Sehr Gut'
ADU & Frequenzmessung
Rechnerunterstützte Erfassung und Analyse von Messdaten
The Messtechnik-Skriptum, divided into 5 parts:
Chapters 1 & 2 (Einführung, Messabweichungen)
Chapter 3 (Messbrücken)
Chapter 4 (Messverstärker)
Chapter 5 (ADU)
Chapter 6 (REAM)
GET - Laborprotokolle
Übung 1 - 20P.
Übung 7 - 20P.
Grundlagen der Informatik
While preparing for the final exam, I went through all exam questions gathered at the PBS, eliminated the duplicates, grouped them into categories, and compiled them in this little pdf:
GDI-Fragen aller Tests.pdf
I have also answered some questions on this list, which may be found here: GDI-Ausarbeitung des 1. Tests.pdf
My name is Flora Feldner and I am currently studying Audio, Acoustics and Electronics Engineering (Elektrotechnik-Toningenieur) at the University of Performing Arts Graz and the Graz University of Technology. I have received my BSc degree in Information and Computer Engineering from Graz University of Technology in 2018.
I have decided to create a private web page for myself, where I can share both university and private material, such as personal projects, the music I create in my spare time, and, of course, some recipes I improved or came up with.